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PuppyFinder.com is your source for finding an ideal Puppy for Sale in New York, USA area. Puppyfinder.com has located 219 Sheepadoodle, Cavachon-Cavapoo Mix and Cane Corso puppies in the following location(s): LAKE GEORGE NY, SANBORN NY and CENTEREACH NY
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The Best Purebred Puppies
Discover the best purebred puppies for your lifestyle. Learn about popular breeds and tips for selecting a purebred puppy from reputable sources.
Source : Puppyfinder.com Magazine
Medium Dog Breeds: Perfect Medium-Sized Family Dogs
This article explores medium dog breeds, highlighting their suitability as medium-sized family dogs, and provides resources for finding reputable breeders.
Source : Puppyfinder.com Magazine
Poodle (Standard)
Pudle, Caniche, Barbone
The Poodle is a favorite family pet. The breed is very intelligent, trains easily, and is devoted to his family. They are quite playful, yet wary of strangers.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Poodle (Standard) Breed Details
German Shorthaired Pointer
Deutscher kurzhaariger, Vorstehhund, Deutsch Kurzhaar, Kurzhaar
The German Shorthaired Pointer is a loyal family watch dog and companion. This dog enjoys sporting activities and has a very handsome and dignified appearance.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
German Shorthaired Pointer Breed Details
English mastiff
The Mastiff is a gentle dog, despite his striking size and appearance. He makes a great watch dog and loyal companion. This dog develops enduring bonds with his family and is best suited to living in the country or suburbs where he can have lots of space.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Mastiff Breed Details
This breed is a cross between an Cavachon and a Cavapoo. This breed is a hybrid or designer breed that was developed by crossing Cavachon and a Cavapoo. Though the breed was intended to be a 50/50 mix, many of the it are bred over many generations and may not always be 50% and 50%. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. We currently do not have more detailed information for this breed.
Cane Corso
Italian Mastiff
The Cane Corso is an old breed, dating back to the Roman Empire. They are excellent protectors, hunters and companions. They are used as guard dogs and in law enforcement. Only an experienced dog owner should choose this breed.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Cane Corso Breed Details
Siberian Husky
Chukcha, Chuksha
The Siberian Husky is very similar in looks to the Alaskan Malamute, yet somewhat smaller in build and not quite as bold. Still, he needs a strong-willed owner who will stay in control. This dog loves to roam and explore, so he needs a nice big yard.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Siberian Husky Breed Details
Weimaraner Vorstehhund
The Weimaraner is a very smart and strong dog. They require space and lots of attention, but they can be very devoted companions to your family and even gets along well with children.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Weimaraner Breed Details
Sheepadoodles are a hybrid between an Old English Sheepdog and a Poodle. Both the Old English A cross between Old English Sheepdog and Poodle is known as Sheepadoodle. It may have the best attributions of its parent breeds. Sheepadoodle are not only much loving dogs but also so sweet and smart as well. A sheepadoodle loves being pleased. This hybrid is non aggressive, averagely intelligent, ever ready to please the owner. Being an intelligent dog it is easy to train but early age socialization is recommended. They are hypoallergenic dogs. They will need a fair amount of exercise and feel happiness if provided with toys to play with. It attires long, wavy and soft coat. Sheepadoodles in adulthood meet in black; however, when they rise up may come in white, tan, gray, black, silver or any combination. Some of them may have black patches on their body and ears. They sheds little to no, this quality makes them hypoallergenic. The Medium sized Sheepdadoodles have weight from 60 to 80 pounds and height is in between 13 and 24 inches, age limit is from 12 to 15 years usually.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Sheepadoodle Breed Details
Deutscher Spitz; Zwergspitz; Spitz nain; Spitz enano; Pom; Zwers
The Pomeranian is a very inquisitive dog. He's intelligent and trains well. Moreover, he's quite wary of strangers, so may serve as a great ' though tiny ' watch dog.
Grooming requirements
Exercise requirements
Good with other dogs
Watchdog ability
Pomeranian Breed Details