If you need to get your HVAC system replaced, you might want to buy a used air conditioner to save money. You could probably find a cheap one on the internet, or you might know someone selling one. Even after giving it an inspection and making sure it’s clean, you might be surprised by the frequent repairs and loud noises that come with this old unit.
When you factor the miscellaneous costs, the lower energy efficiency and the headaches a used cooling system brings, it’s usually better to get a new one. On the other hand, if you search hard enough, you might be able to find a great dealon a long-lasting refurbished air conditioner. Use this guide to figure out whether you should buy someone’s old AC equipment or get a brand-new unit.
WhatAre the Pros of Buying Used Air Conditioners?
After researching refurbished air conditioners, you may decide that buying a used one is a good idea. You could find a like-new unit that the previous owner only used a couple of times. Even an AC system from a friend or family member could probably cool your house over the summer. Here are some of the benefits of getting an old AC unit.
1. A Used AirConditioner Costs Less Money Upfront
Saving money is the motivation for buying a used air conditioner. While a brand-new unit costs hundreds of dollars, a refurbished one is only a fraction of that price. You might also be able to negotiate a lower rate if you’re buying it from a person instead of a website.
Compare the price of a secondhand air conditioner to a brand-new cooling system to find out if it’s worth the investment. You will be paying less for an older one, but keep in mind that you’ll also have to add in the cost of installation and other factors. With all these fees you might not have considered, you could almost break even with what you would’ve paid for a brand-new unit.
2. You Might Geta Good Deal on a Used Air Conditioner
Finding a new, long-lasting air conditioner at asecondhand price is like winning the lottery. Most people who own airconditioning units that work want to hold onto them, but you’llsometimes find used cooling systems that are like new. Try to find adecent seller who has inspected and properly maintained the airconditioner.
Before you make a deal with a company or anindividual, check the reviews of the product online.If you’rebuying from a secondhand air conditioner distributor, online reviewswill tell you if they are a reliable company. The reviews online mayalso give you information about the specifications of the airconditioner or how to get replacement parts.
Along with researching the company and the specific product, you should also compare this older model to the latest one. By putting in this research, you may find out that it’s a better investment to get a more reliable, energy-efficient air conditioner.
3. You Can Get aCheaper Option for a Temporary Living Situation
A used air conditioner is an effective short-term plan for cooling your property. If you’re planning on selling your house in the next couple of months, you could switch out your failed AC unit with a refurbished cooling system to last you through the summer until you move.You might also consider one if you’re renting out an apartment or staying at college.
4. You Can Reusea Refurbished Air Conditioner Instead of Buying a New One
A used AC unit usually has the reputation of being dirty or broken, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, you’ll find a system up for sale because it wasn’t the right size for the living space. The family might have tried it out a couple of times but realized that it wouldn’t have worked. Try to find a used air conditioner that an HVAC technician inspected to verify its like-new condition.
WhatAre the Cons of Buying a Used Air Conditioner?
Most of the time, buying used AC units ends up costing more money than you think. Even if you can find a reliable used cooling system, you will probably have to pay money to have it inspected and cleaned, so you’re often better off buying a new one. Consider these drawbacks to purchasing a used AC system to decide for yourself how you should cool your house.
1. Used AirConditioners Don’t Come With a Warranty
Brand-new units include warranties, tax incentives andrebatesso you can make some money back after your purchase. The warranty period for your old AC unit may have already expired, so you’ll have to pay for replacement parts as they break over the years.
Even when a unit is still within the standard coverage period, many warranties apply only to the original installer. Make sure you check the fine print.
Ask the seller about any existing protection plans on the AC equipment and find out what they cover. You can also contact the manufacturer about the possibility of extending or adding a protection plan. If you’re trying to save money with a used air conditioner, you won’t be saving much between paying for the warranty and replacement costs of the old parts.
2. A Used AirConditioner Might Have Mechanical Issues You Don’t See
Dents or debris are visible on your air conditioner, but it’s a lot harder to see the problems inside the machine. You might have to hire an HVAC technician to inspect it before you buy it. The seller will probably give you the paperwork for any repairs done in the last couple of years, but you can’t know for sure until you’ve had it checked.
You should also keep in mind that if it’s an older AC unit, the manufacturer might not be making it anymore, which means you won’t be able to find replacement parts. Think about all the phone calls and searches online you would have to make to find new evaporator coils or air filters to work with your AC. The maintenance cost of a used air conditioner is likely more than the price for a new one.
3. Older AirConditioning Units Are Less Efficient
The average lifespan of AC units is between 15and 20 years, but theessential components may lose their efficiency after about a decade.The more you use your air conditioner, the less efficient itbecomes.Here is how you can increasethe energy efficiency ofyour cooling system:
- Install a programmable thermostat to control the temperature.
- Use a ceiling fan to help regulate airflow.
- Insulate the attic, crawl space and ductwork.
- Don’t use appliances to heat your house.
- Use window treatments to prevent solar heat.
- Run a fan when taking a shower and cooking.
- Seal air leaks and insulate to prevent drafts.
- Buy a new air conditioner instead of a used one.
A brand-new AC unit uses30% to 50% less energythan cooling products that were made 50 years ago. If you buy a used air conditioner, it’s going to need more energy to produce cool air. You’ll be saving money on your utility bill each month with a reliable, energy-efficient AC system.
4. A Used AirConditioner Comes With Hidden Fees
While used cooling systems may cost less money upfront, the price doesn’t include installation and other miscellaneous costs. Here are some extra costs you’ll have to pay with your refurbished cooling unit:
- Ductwork:If you buy a used central air conditioning system, you may have to install ductwork throughout the house. A contractor will have to inspect your house for the best place to put the ducts, cut holes into the floor and buy all the materials. You will also have to get the ducts cleaned throughout the life of your used air conditioner.
- Square footage:HVAC technicians or contractors usually charge for their services by the length and width of your home. The more square footage you have, the more you will have to pay to have your AC unit installed. Even if they charge by the hour, a larger house will take them more time to inspect.
- Types of air conditioning:A used window air conditioner will cost less money than central air conditioning because it’s smaller and more flexible. However, you could save money on central air conditioning with a new ductless mini-split system.
- Labor: If you hire an HVAC technician to install the cooling system for you, you can expect to pay a labor fee for their services. We offer several DIY air conditioning systems so you can avoid this labor fee.
- Miscellaneous expenses:There’s more to installing the cooling system than the selling price. If the seller is out of your local area, you also need to consider shipping fees. You also might want to increase your system’s energy efficiency by surrounding it with insulation. If your air conditioner needs electricity rewired, you will have to hire an electrician or an HVAC technician who has the proper training to handle high-voltage connections.
5. A Used AirConditioner Is More Likely to Need Repairs
When you buy a used AC system, you don’t know howreliable it’ll be until you plug it in and use it over the summer.The product from a third-party seller or distributor may come withsome surprises, like broken parts or loud noises. Here are some waysyou can prolongthe life of your air conditionerandtry to avoid some repairs:
- Check your airfilters at least once a month:Thefilter in your AC system acts as an air purifier while keeping dirtaway from the evaporator coil and other sensitive parts. Dirty coilsbreak down faster, which makes the unit work harder to provide acomfortable temperature for your home. Clean your air filters andreplace them as needed to keep your AC running smoothly.
- Check therefrigerant:Low refrigerant levels,which are common in old AC cooling systems, can reduce the qualityof your air conditioner and will use more energy to cool the air.Changing or refilling the refrigerant lines can only be done by anHVAC technician, and it may cost you more than you’re willing tospend. On the other hand, our DIYcooling systems come withrefrigerant already installed, so you don’t have to touch thoseharmful chemicals.
- Consider the noiselevels:A used air conditioner istypically louder than a brand-new one. Hearing a whining AC unit allday is annoying and has adverse health effects, especially on yoursleep. The noise levels could also tell of underlying issues orfaulty parts that will need replacements. If possible, turn on theAC before you buy it and listen for any sounds of trouble, likerattling or grinding, that could tell you which parts might bebroken.
- Clean and inspectyour air conditioner:After leaving itin the attic or a hole in the wall all winter, a used AC unit isgoing to have dust and debris inside of it. In the spring, beforethe hot summer comes, inspect your cooling system for damaged ordirty parts. You should also check it before you pack it away forthe fall.
- Schedule an annual maintenanceappointment:If you’re not an expert inHVAC care, you should call a professional technician to take a lookat your AC unit before and after the summer. After tuning up theparts of your cooling system, they can help you determine how longit’s going to last.
6. A Used AirConditioner Is Dirty
An old AC unit could have signs of wear and tear orcontain dirt or debris. The exterior blemishes can lower its visualappeal and make the rest of your house look dirty. Allergen buildupwithin the machine causes health issues in your family and guests.
Your air conditioner should be able to cool down theair, but dirty cooling systems often can’t get down to the righttemperature. Clogged filters prevent the airflow and could even causedifficulty breathing for those with allergies or asthma. Dirtyevaporator coils trap dirt and debris, and they can be expensive toclean. You might be able to ask the seller to clean out the airconditioner before you bring it home, but you still don’t know whatallergens or harmful debris are inside of it.
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